Summary of Daily Weather
Date Being Summarized:  01 April 1995

A relatively quiet pattern for the VORTEX region with longwave ridge axis over 
the high plains region. A trough over the Great Lakes area included a trailing 
vort lobe southwestward and westward through arkansas into north TX, with little
or no associated weather. Out west, a trough moving into the western US dug 
into the CA/NV area. This system looks to be the next candidate for any
VORTEX-like weather early next week.

The high plains ridge extends north into western Canada, west of a polar 
vortex north of Hudson Bay.  A rather vigorous shortwave rotating around the 
west side of the vortex promises to deliver a shot of unseasonably cold
arctic air into the northeast half of the US next week. It remains to be 
seen how much of it will drop south into the central/southern Plains, and thus
shut down VORTEX operations, but at this time it appears that at least some of
it will get here. Fortunately (for VORTEX), the main thrust is likely to be 
east instead of south, so any cold surge should be short-lived within the VORTEX 
area, and the Gulf should remain unscathed (improving the prospects for return 
flow at a later time.
